About Founder / プロフィール
HANAE STAHL / スタール葉奈絵
文化服装学院 卒業。レディースファッションブランドにて、プレス(広報)兼デザイナー(VMDや販促物のデザイン全般)を経験したのちフリーランスへ転向。2017年〜「in HIGH SPIRITS」として、アートディレクション・フォト/プロップスタイリング・各種デザイン事業をメインに、コンテンツクリエイターとして国内外様々なブランドや企業とのコラボを行う。クライアントだけでなく、より沢山の人々へ創る楽しさをシェアするため、2018年にはライフスタイルDIYブログ「Rainbow DIY」を開設。
I’m a Japanese girl living life in High Spirits. I’m cheerful, I’m fun, and I like to find creativity in everything, all the time! I’ve previously worked as the Press and Promotional Design Manager at a Japanese women’s fashion brand based out of Tokyo focusing on designer shoes. I was in charge of everything from Public Relations, to managing marketing campaigns and designing promotional materials. I also hold a degree in Fashion Business & Design from “Bunka Fashion College” in the heart of Shinjuku, Tokyo. After half a decade getting to know the ins and outs of the corporate fashion and design world, I decided to create my own independent Creative Content Service, ”in HIGH SPIRITS”. My mission is to use my expertise in design and marketing to help great brands reach their maximum potential. After founding my business, I created Lifestyle DIY blog “ Rainbow DIY ” to share my FUN creativity with people around the world! I hope Rainbow DIY brightens up your day, and thanks for your support!